CHURCH PLANTERS WITH E3PARTNERS We are currently serving as full time missionaries with e3 partners. Our focus of ministry is "equipping God's people to evangelize His world and establish His church" We lead short term "church planting mission teams" in Uganda and Argentina. We serve many churches as a free resource to equip their church and take them to the mission field. Locally we serve as trainers in evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

After both teams had headed for home, we began focusing on training church leaders in several different cities, setting the stages for future church planting campaigns. We began in the city of Santa Fe, where we had just finished our campaign planting campaign. Over the next week we traveled to Rafaela, Clodomida, Santiago del Estero, La Banda, and Catamarca. It was a blessing to encourage these leaders in their work for the Lord as they evangelize the lost and start new churches.

During the month of March, we had two teams from the U.S. head on mission to Argentina. TEAM ONE: The first team headed off to Pilar, Argentina on March 12-21. We worked with Pastor Beto Chambi and the Evangelical Church. We worked in the area called Villa Rosa, where we shared Christ daily for five days house to house. Every evening we had a service that involved music, testimonies, film, drama, games, and a whole lot more. Our fourteen member U.S. team was multiplied by the fourteen translators and fourteen member evangelism team from the church. Almost thirty other church members served by proving meals, transportation, and logistics. This was the first year to work with Beto, and I am looking forward to working together for years to come. During the week we shared the gospel with over 450 individuals, with 303 trusting Christ as Savior. Praise God! TEAM TWO: Our second team arrived the same day our first team was departing. Our ten member team packed into a fifteen passenger van (with luggage) and headed for a seven hour trip north to the province of Santa Fe. We were greeted by our host pastor, David Ibarra. David is a pastor and church planter from the nearby city of Rafaela. I have worked with David for over ten years and he did an excellent job preparing pastor Miguel Monessa and the host church, Iglesia del Norte (Church of the North) for the campaign. We worked in two sites, La Guardia and Oasis, planting a new church in each area. During the week we heard amazing stories of changed lives as hundreds trusted Christ during the home visits. God broke down many strongholds of Satan in both of these areas during the week, even sins of prostitution, Satanic worship, and incest. When Christ sets you free, you are free indeed. Over 430 heard a clear presentation of the gospel that week, with 212 trusting Christ as Savior. The strength of the teams was not just the evangelism, but the discipleship visits. During the two weeks we spent hours with 160 individuals after they trusted Christ; opening Scripture with them and connecting them personally to a church member who would continue to meet and disciple them. I also want to give special thanks to Eduardo Buldain and the students from the Word of Life Bible Institute. Eduardo, serves as our national coordinator for E3 partners to the evangelical leadership. He also serves as our liaison with Word of Life Bible Institute, from where we receive the majority of our translators. It was great to have our son Chris, who is attending the Bible Institute this year, serve as a translator for the team for his first time. A new first! I want to thank every supporter, prayer warrior, and financial partner for their investment in the work of the Lord.